Finishing Techniques. Knitting Workshop at Castaway Yarns. Haxby

Castaway Yarns is a beautiful Little Yarn Store in the picturesque village of Haxby, situated on the outskirts of York. Offering regular knitting workshops covering all the techniques required to become a proficient knitter.
 'How to Knit'
'Knitting with Texture'
'Knittng with colour'
'Knitting in the round'
'Finishing Techniques'
All the knitting workshops are great fun!
Last weekend the Castaway workshop covered 'Finishing Techniques'
Assembling a knitted garment involves two processes.
Blocking and invisible seams.
During the workshop everyone learnt 
'How to block' a knitted swatch.
'How to graft' two pieces of knitting together. 
( A process often used for joining shoulder seams)
'How to sew an invisible seam'
♥ Cake was also very important factor ♥

Knitting Workshops at Castaway Yarns

Sat 21st April – Kids 'How to Knit'
This workshop is especially designed for the younger knitter. Audrey will teach how to cast on, how to knit, how to increase and decrease and everyone will learn how to knit a friendship bracelet or wristwarmer. (Workshop is running from 10am – 12pm – cost: Â£15)   

Sat 21st April – Knitting in Colour
Come and learn how to fair isle and learn how to knit motifs and letters with colour and learn the intarsia method. (This workshop is running from 1pm to 5pm) Â£25.00

Sat 28th April – Knitting in the Round
Audrey will teach you how to knit in the round, how to rib, increase and decrease. Learn to knit flowers, leaves and fruit and knit a tea cosy or cupcake. 12noon until 4pm. Â£25.00

Sat 12th May – How to Knit
Audrey Wilson will teach you how to knit. How to read a ball band, understand tension, read a pattern, how to cast on, how to knit and purl, increase, decrease, hold stitches and cast off. 12noon until 4pm. Â£25.00

Sat 26th May – Knitting with Texture
Audrey Wilson will teach you how to knit cables and textured stitches and create beautiful small scented cushions 12noon until 4pm. Â£25.00 

Book Now
All workshops are from 12 to 4 and cost Â£25.00 
(Unless otherwise stated.)
Yarn and pattern are included as well as 
tea and coffee and cake
Book your place now as spaces are limited. 
Please bring 4mm needles with you. 
Call into Castaway Yarns at 6 Haxby Shopping Centre. Haxby 
or call 01904 764 644 to book your place or via 


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